Software: Apache. PHP/5.4.45 uname -a: Linux 5.15.74-ovh-vps-grsec-zfs-classid #1 SMP Wed uid=763961(ebenisteaz) gid=100(users) groups=100(users) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /home/ebenisteaz/www/admin/js/ drwx---r-x |
Viewing file: jquery.fileUploader.js (16.89 KB) -rw----r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /* * Class: fileUploader * Use: Upload multiple files using jquery * Author: John Laniba ( * Version: 1.3 */ (function($) { $.fileUploader = {version: '1.3', count: 0}; $.fn.fileUploader = function(config){ config = $.extend({}, { autoUpload: false, limit: false, buttonUpload: '#px-submit', buttonClear: '#px-clear', selectFileLabel: 'Select files', allowedExtension: 'jpg|jpeg|gif|png', timeInterval: [1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 5], //Mock percentage for iframe upload percentageInterval: [10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80], //Callbacks onValidationError: null, //trigger if file is invalid onFileChange: function(){}, onFileRemove: function(){}, beforeUpload: function(){}, //trigger after the submit button is click: before upload beforeEachUpload: function(){}, //callback before each file has been uploaded ::: returns each Form afterUpload: function(){}, afterEachUpload: function(){} //callback after each file has been uploaded }, config); $.fileUploader.count++; //Multiple instance of a FOrm Container var pxUploadForm = 'px-form-' + $.fileUploader.count, pxWidget = 'px-widget-' + $.fileUploader.count, pxButton = 'px-button-' + $.fileUploader.count, wrapper = ' \ <div id="'+ pxWidget +'" class="px-widget ui-widget"> \ <div class="ui-helper-clearfix"> \ <div id="'+ pxUploadForm +'-input" class="px-form-input"></div> \ <div id="'+ pxButton +'" class="px-buttons"></div> \ </div> \ <div id="'+ pxUploadForm +'"></div> \ </div> \ ', pxUploadForm = '#' + pxUploadForm, pxUploadFormInput = pxUploadForm + '-input', pxButton = '#' + pxButton, pxWidget = '#' + pxWidget, buttonClearId = null, itr = 1, //index/itr of file isLimit = (config.limit)? true : false, limit = parseInt(config.limit), e = this, //set e as this selector = $(this).selector, buttonM = pxButton + ' input, '+ pxButton +' button'; //Accept button as input and as button isFile = false, //this is use to hide other inputs in a form progress = 0, //percentage of the upload, totalForm = 0, jqxhr = null, //return object from jquery.ajax, timeInterval = config.timeInterval, percentageInterval = config.percentageInterval, pcount = 0, //progress count to set interval, progressTime = null, stopUpload = false; //Stop all upload if (window.FormData) { var isHtml5 = true; } else { var isHtml5 = false; } //Wrap all function that is accessable within the plugin var px = { //Initialize and format data init: function(){ px.form = $(e).parents('form'); //prepend wrapper markup px.form.before(wrapper); //Wrap input button $(e).wrap('<div class="px-input-button" />'); px.form.children('.px-input-button').prepend('<span>'+ config.selectFileLabel +'</span>'); //Transform file input into ui button $(".px-input-button").button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-circle-plus" } }); $(config.buttonUpload).button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-arrowthickstop-1-n" } }); $(config.buttonClear).button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-circle-close" } }); //clear all form data px.clearFormData(px.form); //move upload and clear button into id px_button px.form.find(config.buttonUpload + ',' + config.buttonClear).appendTo(pxButton); px.form.hide(); this.printForm(); //Disable button $(buttonM).attr('disabled','disabled'); }, //Clone, format and append form printForm: function(){ var formId = 'pxupload' + itr, iframeId = formId + '_frame'; $('<iframe name="'+ iframeId +'"></iframe>').attr({ id: iframeId, src: 'about:blank', style: 'display:none' }).prependTo(pxUploadFormInput); px.form.clone().attr({ id: formId, target: iframeId }).prependTo(pxUploadFormInput).show(); //Show only the file input px.showInputFile( '#'+formId ); //This is not good but i left no choice because live function is not working on IE $(selector).change(function() { if (isHtml5) { html5Change(this); } else { uploadChange($(this)); } }); }, //Show only the file input showInputFile: function(form) { $(pxUploadFormInput).find(form).children().each(function(){ isFile = $(this).is(':file'); if (!isFile && $(this).find(':file').length == 0) { $(this).hide(); } }); }, //Hide file input and show other data hideInputFile: function($form) { $form.children().each(function(){ isFile = $(this).is(':file'); if (isFile || $(this).find(':file').length > 0) { $(this).hide(); } else { $(this).show(); } }); }, //Validate file getFileName: function(file) { if (file.indexOf('/') > -1){ file = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } else if (file.indexOf('\\') > -1){ file = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1); } return file; }, validateFileName: function(filename) { var extensions = new RegExp(config.allowedExtension + '$', 'i'); if (extensions.test(filename)){ return filename; } else { return -1; } }, getFileSize: function(file) { var fileSize = 0; if (file.size > 1024 * 1024) { fileSize = (Math.round(file.size * 100 / (1024 * 1024)) / 100).toString() + 'MB'; } else { fileSize = (Math.round(file.size * 100 / 1024) / 100).toString() + 'KB'; } return fileSize; }, //clear form data clearFormData: function(form) { $(form).find(':input').each(function() { if (this.type == 'file') { $(this).val(''); } }); } } //initialize px.init(); /* * Plugin Events/Method */ /* * Html5 file change */ function html5Change($this) { $.each( $this.files, function(index, file){ uploadChange(file); }); afterUploadChange(); } /* * Html5 Drag and Drop */ $.event.props.push('dataTransfer'); $(pxWidget).bind( 'dragenter dragover', false) .bind( 'drop', function( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); html5Change(e.dataTransfer); }); /* * On Change of upload file */ function uploadChange($this) { var $form = $(pxUploadFormInput + ' #pxupload'+ itr); //validate file var filename = (isHtml5)? $ : px.getFileName( $this.val() ); if ( px.validateFileName(filename) == -1 ){ if ($.isFunction(config.onValidationError)) { config.onValidationError($this); } else { alert ('Invalid file!'); } $form.find(':file').val(''); return false; } //Limit if (limit <= 0) { //Your message about exceeding limit return false; } limit = limit - 1; //remove disabled attr $(buttonM).removeAttr('disabled'); //remove upload text after uploaded $('.upload-data', pxUploadForm).each(function() { if ( $(this).find('form').length <= 0 ) { $(this).remove(); } }); //append size of the file after filename if (isHtml5) { filename += ' (' + px.getFileSize($this) + ')'; } //DIsplay syled markup $(pxUploadForm).append( $('<div>').attr({ 'class': 'upload-data pending ui-widget-content ui-corner-all', id: 'pxupload'+ itr +'_text' }) .data('formId', 'pxupload'+ itr) .append(' \ <ul class="actions ui-helper-clearfix"> \ <li title="Annuler" class="delete ui-state-default ui-corner-all"> \ <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-minus"></span> \ </li> \ </ul> \ <span class="filename">'+ filename +'</span> \ <div class="progress ui-helper-clearfix"> \ <div class="progressBar" id="progressBar_'+ itr +'"></div> \ <div class="percentage">0%</div> \ </div> \ <div class="status">en attente...</div> \ ') ); //Store input in form $'input', $this); $form.appendTo(pxUploadForm + ' #pxupload'+ itr +'_text'); //hide the input file px.hideInputFile( $form ); //increment for printing form itr++; //print form px.printForm(); //Callback on file Changed config.onFileChange($this, $form); if (!isHtml5) { afterUploadChange(); } } /* * After upload change triggers autoupload */ function afterUploadChange() { if (config.autoUpload) { //Display Cancel Button toogleCancel(true) stopUpload = false; //Queue and process upload uploadQueue(); } } /* * Queue Upload and send each form to process upload */ function uploadQueue() { //stop all upload if (stopUpload) { return; } totalForm = $(pxUploadForm + ' form').parent('.upload-data').get().length; if (totalForm > 0) { pendingUpload = $(pxUploadForm + ' form').parent('.upload-data').get(0); $form = $(pendingUpload).children('form'); //before upload beforeEachUpload( $form ); if (isHtml5) { //Upload Using Html5 api html5Upload( $form ); } else { //upload using iframe iframeUpload( $form ); } } else { config.afterUpload(pxUploadForm); //Revert Button to clear toogleCancel(false); } } /* * Process form Upload */ function html5Upload($form) { file = $'input'); if (file) { var fd = new FormData(); fd.append($form.find(selector).attr('name'), file); //get other form input and append to formData $form.find(':input').each(function() { if (this.type != 'file') { fd.append($(this).attr('name'), $(this).val()); } }); //show progress bar $uploadData = $form.parent(); $uploadData.find('.progress').show(); $progressBar = $uploadData.find('.progressBar'); $percentage = $uploadData.find('.percentage'); //Upload using jQuery AJAX jqxhr = $.ajax({ url: $form.attr('action'), data: fd, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', xhr: function() { var req = $.ajaxSettings.xhr(); if (req) { req.upload.addEventListener('progress',function(ev){ //Display progress Percentage progress = Math.round(ev.loaded * 100 /; $percentage.text(progress.toString() + '%'); $progressBar.progressbar({ value: progress }); }, false); } return req; } }) .success(function(data) { afterEachUpload($form.attr('id'), data ); }) .error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { afterEachUpload($form.attr('id'), null, textStatus, errorThrown ); }) .complete(function(jqXHR, textStatus) { $progressBar.progressbar({ value: 100 }); $percentage.text('100%'); uploadQueue(); }); } $form.remove(); } /* * Iframe Upload Process */ function iframeUpload($form) { //show progress bar $uploadData = $form.parent(); $uploadData.find('.progress').show(); $percentage = $uploadData.find('.percentage'); $progressBar = $uploadData.find('.progressBar'); pcount = 0; dummyProgress($progressBar, $percentage); $form.submit(); var id = pxWidget + ' #' + $form.attr('id'); $(id +'_frame').load(function(){ data = $(this).contents().find('body').html(); afterEachUpload($form.attr('id'), data); clearTimeout ( progressTime ); progress = 100; $percentage.text(progress.toString() + '%'); $progressBar.progressbar({ value: progress }); uploadQueue(); }); } /* * Show the progress bar to the user */ function dummyProgress($progressBar, $percentage) { if (percentageInterval[pcount]) { progress = percentageInterval[pcount] + Math.floor( Math.random() * 5 + 1 ); $percentage.text(progress.toString() + '%'); $progressBar.progressbar({ value: progress }); } if (timeInterval[pcount]) { progressTime = setTimeout(function(){ dummyProgress($progressBar, $percentage) }, timeInterval[pcount] * 1000); } pcount++; } /* * before Upload */ function beforeAllUpload() { //trigger before upload callback $continue = config.beforeUpload(e, pxButton); if ($continue === false) { return false; } //Show Cancle Button toogleCancel(true); //process and queue upload uploadQueue(); } /* * Before Each file is uploaded */ function beforeEachUpload($form) { //trigger before upload callback config.beforeEachUpload($form); $uploadData = $form.parent(); $uploadData.find('.status').text('téléchargement...'); $uploadData.removeClass('pending').addClass('uploading'); $uploadData.find('.delete').removeClass('delete').addClass('cancel').attr('title', 'Cancel'); } /* * After Each file is uploaded */ function afterEachUpload(formId, data, status, errorThrown) { if (data) { data = $('<div>').append(data); status = $(data).find('#status').text(); } formId = pxWidget + ' #' + formId; $uploadData = $(formId + '_text'); if (status == 'success'){ $uploadData.removeClass('uploading').addClass('success'); $uploadData.children('.status').html( $(data).find('#message').text() ); } else if (status == 'error'){ $uploadData.removeClass('uploading').addClass('error'); //if client side error other display error from backend if (errorThrown) { $uploadData.children('.status').html( errorThrown ); } else { $uploadData.children('.status').html( $(data).find('#message').text() ); } } else if (status == 'abort') { $uploadData.removeClass('uploading').addClass('cancel'); $uploadData.children('.status').html( 'Annulé' ); } //$uploadData.find('.cancel').removeClass('cancel').addClass('delete').attr('title', 'Delete'); //hide progress bar $uploadData.find('.progress').hide(); //trigger after each upload config.afterEachUpload(data, status, $uploadData); $(formId).remove(); $(formId + '_frame').remove(); } /* * Toggle Cancel/Delete button */ function toogleCancel(cancel) { if (cancel) { //store button clear id buttonClearId = $(config.buttonClear, pxButton).attr('id'); //Cancel Button $(config.buttonClear, pxButton).attr({ id: 'px-cancel', title: 'Cancel' }); } else { //Clear button $('#px-cancel', pxButton).attr({ id: buttonClearId, title: 'Clear' }); } } /* * Onlick submit button: start upload */ $(config.buttonUpload, pxButton).click(function(){ stopUpload = false; beforeAllUpload(); }); /* * Individual Upload */ $('.upload', pxUploadForm).live('click', function(){ $form = $(this).parents('.upload-data').children('form'); if ($form.length > 0) { //Show Cancle Button toogleCancel(true); //before upload beforeEachUpload( $form ); if (isHtml5) { //Upload Using Html5 api html5Upload( $form ); } else { //upload using iframe iframeUpload( $form ); } stopUpload = true; } }); //Button Clear Event $(config.buttonClear, pxButton).live('click', function(){ $(pxUploadForm).fadeOut('slow',function(){ $(this).empty(); $(this).show(); $(pxUploadFormInput).empty(); itr = 1; //reset iteration limit = parseInt(config.limit); //print the First form px.printForm(); //disable button $(buttonM).attr('disabled','disabled'); }); }); $('.delete', pxUploadForm).live('click', function(){ limit++; var id = pxWidget + ' #' + $(this).parents('.upload-data').data('formId'); $(id+'_text').fadeOut('slow',function(){ $(id+'_frame').remove(); $(this).remove(); //disable button if ($(pxUploadForm).find('form').length <= 1) { $(buttonM).attr('disabled','disabled'); } }); //on file remove callback config.onFileRemove(this); }); /* * Cancel individual upload */ $('.cancel', pxUploadForm).live('click', function() { if (jqxhr) { jqxhr.abort(); } if (!isHtml5) { $form = $(this).parents('.upload-data').children('form'); $form.remove(); afterEachUpload($form.attr('id'), null, 'abort', 'Cancelled'); } }); /* * Cancel all uploads */ $('#px-cancel', pxButton).live('click', function(){ stopUpload = true; if (jqxhr) { jqxhr.abort(); } $('form', pxUploadForm).each(function(){ afterEachUpload($(this).attr('id'), null, 'abort', 'Cancelled'); }); //Show Clear Button toogleCancel(false); }); /* Icons hover */ $(".px-widget .actions li").live("mouseover mouseout", function(event) { if ( event.type == "mouseover" ) { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); } else { $(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover"); } }); return this; } })(jQuery); |
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--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | Generation time: 0.0211 ]-- |