Software: Apache. PHP/5.4.45 uname -a: Linux 5.15.74-ovh-vps-grsec-zfs-classid #1 SMP Wed uid=763961(ebenisteaz) gid=100(users) groups=100(users) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /home/ebenisteaz/www/js/ drwx---r-x |
Viewing file: jMenu.jquery.js (6.29 KB) -rw----r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /************************************************************************ ************************************************************************* @Name : jMenu - jQuery Plugin @Revison : 2.0 @Date : 08/2013 @Author : ALPIXEL - ( - @Support : FF, IE7, IE8, MAC Firefox, MAC Safari @License : Open Source - MIT License : ************************************************************************** *************************************************************************/ /** jMenu Plugin **/ (function($) { $.jMenu = { /**************/ /** OPTIONS **/ /**************/ defaults: { ulWidth: 'auto', absoluteTop: 33, absoluteLeft: 0, TimeBeforeOpening: 100, TimeBeforeClosing: 100, animatedText: true, paddingLeft: 7, openClick: false, effects: { effectSpeedOpen: 150, effectSpeedClose: 150, effectTypeOpen: 'slide', effectTypeClose: 'slide', effectOpen: 'swing', effectClose: 'swing' } }, /*****************/ /** Init Method **/ /*****************/ init: function(options) { /* vars **/ opts = $.extend({}, $.jMenu.defaults, options); // Set global width of the sub-menus links if(opts.ulWidth == 'auto') $width = $('.fNiv').outerWidth(false); else $width = opts.ulWidth; $(".jMenu li").each(function() { var $thisChild = $(this).find('a:first'), $allUl = $(this).find('ul'); if($.jMenu._IsParent($thisChild)) { $thisChild.addClass('isParent'); var $ul = $, $position = $thisChild.position(); if($(this).hasClass('jmenu-level-0')) $ul.css({ top: $ + opts.absoluteTop, left: $position.left + opts.absoluteLeft, width : $width }); else $ul.css({ top: $, left: $position.left + $width, width : $width }); if(!opts.openClick) $(this).bind({ mouseenter:function() { if($(this).hasClass('jmenu-level-0')) { $position = $(this).position(); $ul.css({ left: $position.left + opts.absoluteLeft, top: $ + opts.absoluteTop }); } $.jMenu._show($ul); }, mouseleave:function(){ $.jMenu._closeList($ul); } }); else $(this).bind({ click:function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $.jMenu._show($ul); }, mouseleave:function(){ $.jMenu._closeList($ul); } }); } }); }, /**************************** ***************************** ** jMenu Methods Below ** ***************************** ****************************/ _show: function(el) { switch(opts.effects.effectTypeOpen) { case 'slide': el.stop(true, true).delay(opts.TimeBeforeOpening).slideDown(opts.effects.effectSpeedOpen, opts.effects.effectOpen); break; case 'fade': el.stop(true, true).delay(opts.TimeBeforeOpening).fadeIn(opts.effects.effectSpeedOpen, opts.effects.effectOpen); break; default: el.stop(true, true).delay(opts.TimeBeforeOpening).show(); } }, _closeList: function(el) { switch(opts.effects.effectTypeClose) { case 'slide': el.stop(true,true).delay(opts.TimeBeforeClosing).slideUp(opts.effects.effectSpeedClose, opts.effects.effectClose); break; case 'fade': el.stop(true,true).delay(opts.TimeBeforeClosing).fadeOut(opts.effects.effectSpeedClose, opts.effects.effectClose); break; default: el.delay(opts.TimeBeforeClosing).hide(); } }, _animateText: function(el) { var paddingInit = parseInt(el.css('padding-left')); el.hover( function() { $(this).stop(true,false).animate({paddingLeft: paddingInit + opts.paddingLeft}, 100); }, function() { $(this).stop(true,false).animate({paddingLeft:paddingInit}, 100); } ); }, _IsParent: function(el) { if ('ul')) return true; else return false; }, _isReadable: function() { if ($(".jmenu-level-0").length > 0) return true; else return false; }, _error: function() { alert('jMenu plugin can\'t be initialized. Please, check you have the \'.jmenu-level-0\' class on your first level <li> elements.'); } }; jQuery.fn.jMenu = function(options){ $(this).addClass('jMenu'); $(this) .children('li').addClass('jmenu-level-0') .children('a').addClass('fNiv'); if($.jMenu._isReadable()) { $.jMenu.init(options); } else { $.jMenu._error(); } }; })(jQuery); |
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Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files)
--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | Generation time: 0.0208 ]-- |